State Rep. Oscar Longoria

Current Rating


House District 35 - Mission
First elected 2012

Previous Ratings on the Fiscal Index

  • Career: F
  • 2021: F
  • 2019: F
  • 2017: F
  • 2015: F
  • 2013: F

About State Rep. Oscar Longoria

Born in Mission, Texas, Oscar Longoria attended the La Joya Independent School District, and later went on to graduate from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor’s of Science in Communication Studies, and later with a Doctorate of Jurisprudence from UT’s School of Law.  Today he owns and operates the Law Office of Oscar Longoria, and is a certified mediator via UT’s School of Law.  He is a member of the Texas Trial Lawyers Association, and the Hidalgo County Young Laywers Association.  He is married with one daughter.


CAP 4N.4
P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768
p: (512) 463-0645
District Mail Address
P.O. Box 1029
Penitas TX, 78576
Peñitas District Office info (Physical address)
2001 Mile 3 Rd.
Peñitas TX, 78576
La Feria District Office info (Physical address)
126 E. Commercial Ave.
La Feria, TX 78559
(956) 797-2101
p: (956) 580-6944

House District District 35

State Rep. Oscar Longoria's Record

  • Pro-Taxpayer
  • Anti-Taxpayer
  • Absent
  • Speaker
  • Absent, Excused
  • Present, not voting
  • Not Applicable
Bill Vote

HB 1, 3rd Called, Motion to Table Amendment 8 by Lavender: Dedicating certain motor vehicle sales tax revenue to the state highway fund

House Record Vote: 8
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HR 4, Motion to Table Amendment 9 by V. Taylor: To require hearings on legislation with 50 signatures

House Record Vote: 10
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HR 4, Motion to Table Amendment 24 by Zedler: To require legislation be placed on House floor for a vote if it has at least 76 supporters

House Record Vote: 15
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HR 4, Amendment 30 by V. Taylor: To require the legislative caption note if bills impose, authorize, increase or change a tax or fee

House Record Vote: 17
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HJR 2 conference report, 2nd Called: Providing insufficient protections for the ESF when diverting oil & gas tax revenue to transportation

House Record Vote: 47
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HB 1600, Amendment 8 by Krause: To remove new cease-and-desist power being given to unelected bureaucracy

House Record Vote: 77
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HB 1600, Motion to Table Amendment 1 by S. Turner: Preventing agency from increasing surcharges without legislative approval

House Record Vote: 89
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HB 5, Motion to Table Amendment 97 by Giddings: Forces school districts to provide "accelerated instruction" for under-performing students before any other funds can be spent

House Record Vote: 108
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HB 5, Motion to Table Amendment 114 by Herrero: Holds state budget hostage to certain education funding regardless of need or reform

House Record Vote: 111
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HB 4, Motion to Table Amendment 8 by V. Taylor: Prohibiting use of ESF monies

House Record Vote: 121
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HB 4: An increase in the size and scope of government, facilitating local debt without voter approval

House Record Vote: 126
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SB 1, Amendment 2 by Pitts: Wrongly removing oversight power from the UT Board of Regents

House Record Vote: 145
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SB 1, Amendment 5 by Pitts: Preventing UT Board of Regents from being able to exercise independent oversight authority

House Record Vote: 146
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SB 1, Amendment 12 by Farrar: Nonsensically requiring comptroller to "include in the tax policy e-newsletter" notice that a mother can breastfeed anywhere in public

House Record Vote: 150
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SB 1, Amendment 14 by Farias: Requiring state comptroller to produce a study on people not claiming the federal earned income tax credit

House Record Vote: 152
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SB 1, Motion to Table Amendment 27 by Walle: Eliminating dollars to the Texas Enterprise Fund

House Record Vote: 158
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SB 1, Amendment 51 by Burnam & Zerwas: Opening the door to Medicaid expansion under ObamaCare

House Record Vote: 161
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SB 1, Motion to Table Amendment 71 by Schaefer & Leach: Freezing funding of Historical Commission and moving money from Film & Music marketing to TRS

House Record Vote: 162
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SB 1, Motion to Table Amendment 88 by Capriglione: Striking funding for Regional Service Centers

House Record Vote: 166
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SB 1, Amendment 95 by Herrero: Prohibiting funding for implementing parental choice programs

House Record Vote: 169
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SB 1, Motion to Table Amendment 120 by Simpson: Transferring money from Commission on Arts to volunteer firefighters

House Record Vote: 175
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SB 1, Motion to Table Amendment 176 by Herrero: Moving money into ineffective "pre-K" programs

House Record Vote: 178
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HB 86: Reforming sunset of state licensing

House Record Vote: 193
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SB 1, Motion to Instruct: Conferees should not to adopt language allowing for the expansion of Medicaid

House Record Vote: 253
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HB 1752: Creating a "teacher residency program"

House Record Vote: 256
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HB 1717, Motion to Table Amendment 1 by Schaefer: Eliminating the licensing requirements for interior designers

House Record Vote: 258
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HB 1717: New regulations on architects

House Record Vote: 262
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HB 502: Needlessly regulating "teeth whitening" services

House Record Vote: 276
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HB 2197, Motion to Reconsider: Providing for the continuation of the Lottery Commission

House Record Vote: 282
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HB 148: Bringing greater accountability to the mail-in ballot process

House Record Vote: 347
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SB 202: Continuing the Commission on the Arts

House Record Vote: 376
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SB 945: New regulation on hospitals, requiring employees to wear IDs

House Record Vote: 398
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SB 971: Expanding the use of TIF financing to port authorities

House Record Vote: 439
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HB 3238: Creating a needle exchange program

House Record Vote: 502
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HB 852: Interfering in the market by making it illegal to transport lawfully caught shark fins

House Record Vote: 508
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HB 2782: Giving more power to the commissioner of insurance to interfere in the health insurance market

House Record Vote: 521
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HB 1809: Allowing "cultural" entities to use taxpayer resources when leasing or purchasing land, when private money should be used

House Record Vote: 523
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HB 2062: Adding new regulations to plumbers

House Record Vote: 528
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HB 213: Making the small business exemption to the business tax permanent

House Record Vote: 542
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SB 1312: Creating new regulations on veterinary medicine and barriers to becoming a technician

House Record Vote: 545
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HB 3536: Tax increase advocated by large companies onto small companies

House Record Vote: 577
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HB 3459: Infringing on property rights by allowing easements to be re-defined after a storm event

House Record Vote: 589
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HB 170: Mandating new insurance coverages

House Record Vote: 647
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HB 500, Amendment 27 by N. Gonzalez: Increasing the exemption used in calculating the business tax

House Record Vote: 657
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HB 500, Amendment 34 by V. Taylor: Simplifying the calculations for the gross margins

House Record Vote: 661
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HB 1573: Authorizing certain counties to impose additional vehicle registration fees (L&C)

House Record Vote: 669
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HB 3043: Allowing for an increase in hotel occupancy taxes (L&C)

House Record Vote: 669
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HB 546: Creating new abatements and "reinvestment" zones (L&C)

House Record Vote: 669
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SB 620: New student loan program

House Record Vote: 674
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HB 887: New nanny-state regulations on high school sports

House Record Vote: 678
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HB 2038: Expanding state programs that should be eliminated: the Center for Elimination of Disproportionality and Disparities and Interagency Council for Addressing Disproportionality

House Record Vote: 689
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SB 376: Requiring certain school districts to begin providing a free breakfast

House Record Vote: 693
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HB 2158: Deterring fraud in the Medicaid system

House Record Vote: 717
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HB 1790: Reducing costs in the criminal justice system by procedures for those who complete community supervision

House Record Vote: 744
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HB 613: New regulations on foundation repair contractors

House Record Vote: 747
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HB 912: Providing privacy protections from inappropriate use of unmanned drones

House Record Vote: 763
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SB 346: Creating unconstitutional requirements on political speech while exempting labor unions from the new rules

House Record Vote: 811
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SJR 13: Reducing citizen choices in elections for only some state offices, and empowering bureaucracies

House Record Vote: 845
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SB 2: Expanding the number of charter schools while ensuring better oversight and management

House Record Vote: 878
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SB 515: Allowing brew-pubs to sell their product to retailers

House Record Vote: 953
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SB 1459, Motion to Table Amendment 2 by Isaac: Removing tie between legislators' pensions from that of district judges

House Record Vote: 988
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SB 219, Amendment 12 by Geren: Violating constitutional protections against donor threats and intimidation (mimicking SB346)

House Record Vote: 992
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SB 219, Motion to Table Amendment 27 by King: Moving state's Public Integrity Unit from the Travis County District Attorney to the Attorney General

House Record Vote: 994
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SB 219, Amendment 30 by Capriglione: Requiring legislators to disclose government contracts entered into by themselves, their family or their businesses

House Record Vote: 995
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SB 7, Amendment 26 by Leach: Prohibiting the future expansion of Medicaid under ObamaCare without the authorization of the Legislature

House Record Vote: 998
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SB 16: Allowing for billions of new university debt based on anticipated tuition revenues

House Record Vote: 1003
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SB 1406: Putting CSCOPE under review of SBOE

House Record Vote: 1007
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SB 656: Creating new transparency for local budgeting

House Record Vote: 1015
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SB 1795: Setting operating rules for ObamaCare exchange "navigators"

House Record Vote: 1049
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SJR 1: Creating yet another constitutional water fund while allowing for spending outside the state's constitutional limitation

House Record Vote: 1126
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HB 1025 House-Senate conference report: Draining the ESF for non-emergency spending

House Record Vote: 1334
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SB 1 House-Senate conference report: Increasing budget beyond reasonable levels while increasing legislator pensions

House Record Vote: 1336
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